Logo is a cute and cuddly toy poodle. She is our brand ambassador here at Ads-Up Promotions. Like her friends at Ads-Up Promotions, our Logo understands that your logo is more than a graphic image, it represents your brand, and your brand is more than a product or service your clients use. It is an experience. Your logo is a symbol of that experience. Presenting your logo on the right product to your target audience, with a plan, is a powerful tool. That is what we do. Promotional products should never be just giveaways. Logo is too busy to waste time (and money) chasing her tail with giveaways and believes that you are too.
Our Logo wants to assist your logo in being full of fun and excitement. She loves to perform tricks — like making new friends. She loves to please and is always ready to serve. Logo loves to make a good first impression and she will follow you anywhere. She stands for quality, creativity, long-lasting friendships and taking action. To sum it up, she wants your clients to feel the great experience they will have when they work with you every time they see your logo!
You want potential customers to connect their experience, your brand, to the symbol of your logo and you want to have your logo in front of them often, especially at decision making times to remind them of that experience, and you.
One very effective way to do that is with a promotional program. In the case of our little Logo, we are using her to draw your attention. Once that happens, it’s our turn.
Consider the difference in these 2 scenarios.
- You buy 2,500 cheap pens to give out at your next trade show. You give one to each person that walks past your booth. 2,500 people have your pen but you were so busy giving out pens you didn’t get a chance to speak with many of them. Then they use that cheap pen… was that the experience you want them to relate to your brand? This was more than an expense, it was negative advertising!
- Let’s say the show floor is open for a total of 12 hours, and you speak to each person for about 10 minutes. That gives you time to speak to 72 people. We assist you in creating a plan to meet
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with 72 qualified prospects at your next show and hold their attention while you present your message. After presenting your message or at your first appointment you present them with a very nice, quality gift. You have spent half the budget you would have spent on the pens and you spoke to 72 qualified prospects. Then they use the gift… that’s the experience you want them to relate to your brand! And they will — every time they use it in the future. You have reached your target market, and connected your logo with a great experience in a way t
hat will remind them of you well into the future. This was an investment that will provide ROI and have our Logo wagging her tail!
We at Ads-Up Promotions know that each event, action or promotion is different based on the circumstances. Give us information on the tricks (actions) you would like to perform and we will supply the treats (The Plan and Products). This is a service we provide for our clients at no charge. Contact us today and get started planning your next promotion! Setup an appointment and you just might receive a nice gift. After all… that is what we do!
Start Planning Today!
Don’t forget internal company actions such as Safety programs, Sales and Employee Incentives and other Business Initiatives.